The Carver Difference
The Carver Difference begins with our vision of student success for all, where a student’s ability to choose a productive pathway in school, college, career & life based on equitable access to high quality education (e.g. teaching & learning, social emotional learning, and exposure to real-world experiences) that produces industry-valued credentials for economic and social stability and freedom.
The 20 years of empirical research in teaching & learning conducted by Dr. Jerome Taylor & Dr. Shawn Donaldson (a sociology professor at Stockton University) from 1995-2015 provided a basis for the development of the George Washington Carver Education Foundation in 2016. This initial research and study led to three significant emerging themes that are at the foundation of the Carver Difference:
(a) EQUITY: All students, if exposed to high-quality teaching & learning, can be successful in school, college, career, & in life;
(b) ACCELERATION: A district-wide approach to "accelerated learning" must be implemented to increase academic achievement in every classroom, for every student;
Every school district, regardless of their current data or community served, can "accelerate learning" for all students when a district-wide, comprehensive approach to teaching & learning is implemented;
(c) SUPPORT: Parents & communities can be the deciding factor in removing academic and nonacademic barriers to learning and student success.
Our research, data, and fieldwork in early college designs in New Jersey has underscored our commitment to developing and designing a comprehensive Student Success Network in New Jersey and in other states, who are working to mitigate these prevailing statistics in underserved communities. The "student success network" is the overarching conceptual framework for the work done by the Carver Foundation and its partners. There are four programs that the Carver Foundation offers through this student success network:
(1) Carver Early College (a PreK-12 program design); (addressing equity and acceleration) (TSL 2020)
(2) Carver Tech (a CTE-related program design); (equity)
(3) The RUDI Project (a focus in rural & urban school districts) (addressing equity, acceleration, & support) (EIR 2020)
(4) The Cross-County SSN Project (addressing integrated student support) (EIR 2018 not yet funded) (EduGuide 2020 funded).